CU DENVER: CSEGRID Access directly from Linux Terminal
I discovered today a FAR better way to access CSEGRID than using Putty - just ssh directly from the Linux terminal. Unfortunately, this does

Julia Lang: Reading in Array From .txt File
One challenge I had to overcome fairly quickly as I moved to complete my Algorithm course assignments in Julia was a need to read in data fr

Bubble Sort In Julia Lang
Bubble sort is a naive sorting algorithm, which means that it will check and compare every element in the list to be sorted. In terms of cod

Ohm's Law, Resistors, and LED's
Current, Voltage, and Resistance are three properties of electrical circuits that allow us to specify parts, calculate needed values for var

All About Microcontrollers
A microcontroller, at it's most basic form, is an integrated circuit that modifies and input and provides an output. The input can be an

Step-by-Step Guide to Building the FM Radio Receiver HEX 3653 Chip Kit
UPDATE: Thank you Mr. Peter Todd Decker and Mr. Gord G Rabjohn for pointing out that I had incorrectly identified the piezoelectric...