CU DENVER: CSEGRID Access directly from Linux Terminal

I discovered today a FAR better way to access CSEGRID than using Putty - just ssh directly from the Linux terminal. Unfortunately, this does require you to have a Linux system, but if you do it will make your life 10x easier.
Navigate to the terminal and type:
ssh username@csegrid.ucdenver.pvt
There may be a delay, but you should shortly be prompted for your password. Go ahead and enter the password and hit enter. Remember on Linux you won't see symbols for each keystroke for security reasons, so just know that it is taking in your password even though you can't see it.
If the process hangs at any point just quit (ctrl+C) and try again.
After another short delay you should be in! Ahhh, so much better than using Putty! If you aren't fortunate enough to have a Linux system of your own, or want to learn a bit more about using the CSEGRID, check out this post.